Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's Meeting

Hey guys!

I just wanted to give you the breakdown of what we talked about in today's meeting...

For those of you who didn't make it, we put the final touches on our first publication, decided who is writing what column, and set a due date for submissions. We are also in the process of organizing two important events. First, we would like to put together an Art History Graduate/Career panel in mid- to late April. Rachel Johnson, our graduate adviser, has agreed to spearhead that project. Also, we have some upcoming events including a trip to the Getty (3/7) and another Viewing Party (4/2). Finally, we decided to up the ante with regards to publicizing our club and bolstering our member count. As many of you noticed, we had some newbies come into our meeting today-- super exciting! We can all keep it up by taking personal initiative in announcing meetings/upcoming events in our art history classes! Also, Zoe will be posting a flyer of our upcoming events in the Arts Library.

3/5: Article submissions due to
3/7: 6B Honors Section trip to the Getty [RSVP to Rachel Johnson @]
4/2: Welcome Back Viewing Party: "Frida"

Shout out to our publication contributors!!
Ali: (1) “Escape”; (2) Calendar page
Lindsey: Gallery Profile
Jennifer: (a) World news/event (b) Local news/event
Rachel: (1) Top 10 Things Kids Get Wrong on an Art History Exam; (2) “Escape” to Toronto; (3) edit articles; also try to acquire "Arts Newspaper"
Georgina: Could you do an Interview with Prof Armi?
Anthony: Top 10 Myths about Art History Students
Zoe: (1) Film Review, (2) Interview with a teacher

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing on this awesome art history with us, i truly appreciate it.

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