Friday, February 27, 2009

Upcoming Events


Tired of the Santa Barbara art scene? Come with us and the Honors 6B Section to the Getty in Los Angeles!



Come celebrate the beginning of the new quarter with a Mexican Fiesta and a discussion of the movie "Frida" (2002).

[from iMDB] FRIDA chronicles the life Frida Kahlo (Salma Hayek) shared unflinchingly and openly with Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina), as the young couple took the art world by storm. From her complex and enduring relationship with her mentor and husband to her illicit and controversial affair with Leon Trotsky, to her provocative and romantic entanglements with women, Frida Kahlo lived a bold and uncompromising life as a political, artistic, and sexual revolutionary.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today's Meeting

Hey guys!

I just wanted to give you the breakdown of what we talked about in today's meeting...

For those of you who didn't make it, we put the final touches on our first publication, decided who is writing what column, and set a due date for submissions. We are also in the process of organizing two important events. First, we would like to put together an Art History Graduate/Career panel in mid- to late April. Rachel Johnson, our graduate adviser, has agreed to spearhead that project. Also, we have some upcoming events including a trip to the Getty (3/7) and another Viewing Party (4/2). Finally, we decided to up the ante with regards to publicizing our club and bolstering our member count. As many of you noticed, we had some newbies come into our meeting today-- super exciting! We can all keep it up by taking personal initiative in announcing meetings/upcoming events in our art history classes! Also, Zoe will be posting a flyer of our upcoming events in the Arts Library.

3/5: Article submissions due to
3/7: 6B Honors Section trip to the Getty [RSVP to Rachel Johnson @]
4/2: Welcome Back Viewing Party: "Frida"

Shout out to our publication contributors!!
Ali: (1) “Escape”; (2) Calendar page
Lindsey: Gallery Profile
Jennifer: (a) World news/event (b) Local news/event
Rachel: (1) Top 10 Things Kids Get Wrong on an Art History Exam; (2) “Escape” to Toronto; (3) edit articles; also try to acquire "Arts Newspaper"
Georgina: Could you do an Interview with Prof Armi?
Anthony: Top 10 Myths about Art History Students
Zoe: (1) Film Review, (2) Interview with a teacher

Monday, February 23, 2009

Art History Club Meeting

when: Thursday, 2/26, 7pm
where: ARTS 1241

Our main focus for this meeting will be our publication, "The Gaze." Now that we have some idea of the price options (thanks, Georgina!), we can start to fine tune the format, etc. and try to formulate an outline for the first issue.

WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS, so if you would like to write a column for the publication, this would be the meeting to go to!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Graduate Symposium, "The Limits of Knowledge: Doubt, Skepticism, and the Visual"

Just to let you guys know, there will be a Graduate Symposium on Friday, 2/20 from 10:30am - 5:30pm. If you think you might want to go to grad school, this would be a great opportunity to expose yourself to some of the work that some graduate students are currently working on...

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Peter L. Galison, Joseph Pellegrino University Professor at Harvard University Gail Wight, conceptual artist and Associate Professor at Stanford University

“The Limits of Knowledge” is a conference that will address the ways in which skepticism, doubt, and uncertainty delineate the boundaries of what is knowable, and what is true in the history of art, architecture, and visual culture.
The visual representation of ideas and of objects is inextricably bound to concepts of truth and objectivity. If, however, these concepts are historically variable, dependent on engrained social practices and moral cultures, so too is the definition of an image with claims to truth or objectivity. What are the possibilities of knowledge in the visual field? What are its limitations? How can skepticism inform, complicate, question, or reject claims to the representation of truth through visual artifacts? To what end?

I'm sure most of you won't be able to stay all day, so if you want to drop by for a schpiel or two, check out the CONFERENCE SCHEDULE.

Friday, February 13, 2009

February, 2009 Upcoming Events

Hello, y'all!! I see it's been a while since this has been updated, so I'd like to take a bit of space to elaborate on what we've been up to...

Before I do that, though, I'd like to point out that on Thursday, 2/19/2009 we will be having a VIEWING PARTY! The info is posted on our Facebook page, but here's a copy of the info...

Come watch "The Rape of Europa" (2006) and participate in a discussion of the film afterward! [from iMDB] THE RAPE OF EUROPA is a feature documentary that takes the audience on an epic journey through seven countries and into a violent whirlwind of fanaticism, greed, and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of Europe. For twelve long years, the Nazis looted and destroyed art on a scale unprecedented in history. But heroic young art historians and curators from America and across Europe fought back, mounting a miraculous campaign that would rescue and return the millions of art works displaced by the war. Joan Allen narrates this chronicle about the battle over the very survival of centuries of western culture. A combo bday party for Zoe and regular ol' get together for the Art History Club. If you can attend, please bring a vegetarian-friendly dish to share with everyone during the movie.

Info on the location, etc. are available on Facebook or by e-mailing us at

Anyway, here's a list of projects we're working on, and the progress that's been made so far...
1. Publication: We've recently gotten a price estimate from several print stores, and have been narrowing down the specific section topics (i.e. world news/headlines, local events, an interview/profile of an artist, band, etc., profiles of galleries nearby and in other parts of california, and common myths about art history students). We hope to produce an issue by Spring Break.
2. Tote Bag: This year, we decided that instead of selling shirts for the club, we'd sell tote bags. These can be used as eco-friendly grocery bags, bookbags, or a stylish accessory to your chic ensemble (haha). So far, we've made a decision on the design (seen on left).

Our next meeting is planned for Thursday, 2/26 in the usual location (ARTS 1241).